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Pierce Transit increasing social distancing practices
- We are suspending fare collection on buses, as well as on SHUTTLE paratransit vehicles, until further notice.
- Customers will be asked to board buses using the rear doors only. Customers requiring mobility assistance can continue to use the front doors if needed. This step will help ensure Pierce Transit bus operators remain safe and healthy and able to practice social distancing as advised by our public health professionals.
- Pierce Transit’s public lobby at its Administrative headquarters, located at 3701 – 96th Street SW, Lakewood, will be closed to public visitors. Customers may still reach the agency’s administrative offices by phone at 253.581.8000, option 5, option 2.
- The Bus Shop at Tacoma Dome Station, Pierce Transit’s Customer Service office, will close its lobby to visitors. Customer Service staff will still be available to serve customers by phone weekdays from 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. at 253.581.8000, option 1, option 1. Customers who typically visit The Bus Shop should call the agency’s Customer Services office for help with any questions or services.
- Toll-Free Line: 1.800.562.8109
- Bus or SHUTTLE paratransit TTY for hearing impaired: 711
- Pre-recorded information: 253.581.8000, Option 4
- Marked off seats immediately behind the operator and seats throughout the bus to encourage social distancing
- Increased cleaning and disinfecting of buses to include not only daily cleanings, but also disinfecting throughout the day when buses arrive at transit centers, with a focus on “high touch†areas such as handrails and grab bars
- Provided drivers with disinfecting wipes, gloves and hand sanitizer
- Cleaning public restrooms twice each day and disinfecting four times a day
- Doubled the number of cleanings in staff areas to keep employees healthy and on the job
- Moved administrative employees who can do so to teleworking