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REMINDER: Pierce Transit Special Public Hearing on June 4
June 4th, 2012
Lakewood, WA - The Pierce Transit Board of Commissioners will be holding a special public hearing on June 4, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. to take comments on a ballot resolution to utilize Pierce Transit’s remaining taxing authority. The meeting will be held in the Rainier Room of the Pierce Transit Training Center located at 3720 96th Street SW, Lakewood, WA 98499.On Friday May 11, the Pierce Transit Board of Commissioners met for a work session to discuss the financial impacts of 10 months of continuing declines in sales tax revenue and the removal of jurisdictions from the Pierce Transit boundary.
The Board carefully reviewed agency financial projections and scenarios that ranged from staying at the current 0.6% sales tax authority to putting forward a ballot measure that could utilize the 0.1%, 0.2%, or 0.3% capacity that remains. They also discussed timing options for potential ballot and the merits of a including a sunset clause.
The Board came to consensus that securing funding to restore access to essential services for seniors the disabled and people who rely on Pierce Transit requires a November 2012 ballot measure asking for 0.3%.
The final decision regarding the level of sales taxing authority to submit to voters will be made at the regular Board meeting on June 11, 2012. If you cannot attend the special public hearing on June 4, public comment will also be taken at the June 11 meeting.
Pierce Transit has made significant cuts in service since 2008 to mitigate the impacts of the recession. Nearly $111 million dollars has been cut or saved including 43% cut in bus service, elimination of special events service, sale of land and assets as well as a 19% cut in staffing including 31% in management. Pierce Transit moved to a high ridership and efficiency service plan in 2011 during the most recent cut to service to focus on moving the most people with the limited resources available.